Hope Animal Rescue - Newspaper Rolling


Contact Rochelle Pettinger by email, rm.pettinger82@hotmail.com or phone, 515-250-0654 to set up times to pick up papers.

Newspapers will be rolled at home and returned to the Adel address when finished.

Full instructions will be given to you at first visit.

Night Eyes


Night Eyes Volunteer Opportunity!
Help us celebrate Night Eyes, October 17 – 20 & 24 – 27
We are looking for volunteers who want to have fun and celebrate Halloween at the Zoo!

Volunteer Age Requirement: 13 & Up!

Volunteer opportunities include:
Candy Runners
Treat Stations
Specialized costume characters
Train Attendants
Zone Captains
Fun Zone Attendants

The following shifts are available during Night Eyes: 5:00 – 9:00pm

To sign up: https://signup.com/go/pHyCFXZ

More Information/Sign Up