Lunch or Dinner Service @ Central Iowa Shelter & Services


Our community kitchen provides fresh and healthy meals to those in need using a combination of ingredients and produce grown on-site, donated or purchased. The kitchen serves breakfast, lunch and dinner & a snack, with both lunch and dinner meals including a fresh salad.

The community kitchen serves more than 750 meals each day and is projected to serve 270,000 meals in 2024.

The program is operated by kitchen staff and a network of volunteers, all working together to provide and serve meals. About 55–65% of meals are donated by volunteers, which expands our budget by at least $20,000 per month.

Volunteers & Community Partners interested in helping support Mulberry Street Café can register for either Lunch or Dinner services and denote whether they will be providing the meal, providing and serving the meal, or serving the meal. We ask that any groups or individuals preparing to provide a meal plan for 250 persons. Both groups and individuals are welcome to assist in serving meals.

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Meals Madness


Meals Madness is here! Spend your spring break making a difference by volunteering to package meals for those in need. Whether you come with friends, family, or solo, every meal packed helps fight hunger locally and globally. Join us March 17-22 for a fun and impactful week of giving back!

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