NWHS Library Help


Reshelving books and other library tasks

Northwest Athletic Event Concessions - Natatorium


Welcome to the 2024-2025 swim season. The Waukee Northwest Athletic Booster Club asks you to help support the student athletes by staffing the concession stands during the swim events hosted at the Natatorium. We ALL need to work together to make this a success.

In 2024-25 all home events will have a NWHS Sports team assigned to it. This team is responsible for providing the volunteers for that event. Volunteers can be parents or players, or students seeking silver cord hours.
Students eligible for silver cord hours are welcome to work as long as there is at least one adult/parent working during their shift. No one under 14 is allowed in the concession stands.
The people assigned the last volunteer shift will be closing and should start the closing procedures ~15 minutes before the end of their shift. Do not close the concession stand completely until the meet has concluded.
If you are only working your volunteer shift you will not have to pay game admission fees. If you plan to attend the game before or after your volunteer shift you will need to use your activities pass or purchase a game ticket for attendance.
Please contact Justin Moen or Annie Pearson at volunteers@nwathleticboosterclub.org if you have questions.

More Information/Sign Up

Childcare at Grant Ragan PTO Meeting

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Vince Meyer Preschool PTO Meetings


On the first Thursday of each month, Waukee Preschool is looking for volunteers to babysit children while their parents attend the Preschool PTO meetings from 5:00-6:00pm. There will be a room with toys/games for students to enjoy during the hour of childcare.

Waterford PTO Meeting - Childcare


Parents are encouraged to attend the Waterford Elementary PTO meeting, scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month from 6-7p. The volunteer to watch the children during this time, activities provided by PTO.

Next Meeting Dates:
– January 14th
– February 11th
– April 8th
– May 13th

Email waterford.elem.pto@gmail.com to volunteer for one or all meeting opportunities.

Maple Grove WATCH DOGS Kickoff Event Childcare


We will be hosting a kickoff event at Maple Grove to introduce dads to the WATCH DOGS program. Volunteers will be responsible for watching the children while the dads participate in the meeting.

Family Fun Night


Family Fun Night is a Free Community Event that serves 720 students and their families of Waukee Elementary School. We have a Carnival Theme planned and have multiple stations that need to be run by volunteers. Examples of some of the stations include; BINGO, Candy Bar Walk, Food, Prizes, Inflatables, Temporary Tattoos and Carnival Games.

Camp Invention - Waukee


-Earn up to 37.5 Silver Cord hours and strengthen college, scholarship or job applications
-Mentor and inspire elementary and middle school children to be creative and never give up
-Improve leadership and communication skills through interactions with parents, mentorship and time management skills
-Learn entrepreneurial and intellectual property concepts through the lens of invention and innovation

-Email jjones2@waukeeschools.org, if interested.

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