Blank Park Zoo Night Eyes


Blank Park Zoo has made the difficult decision to remove the Treat Safari from our merry-not-scary Halloween event, Night Eyes, and will not be handing out candy during our 30th Anniversary of Night Eyes this year. Instead, this year we will highlight the lights throughout the Zoo and include socially-distanced entertainment and activities. This year’s volunteer opportunities will look a bit different, and please note that masks are required for all volunteers (plus they will keep you warm :). Volunteers are more than welcome to dress in costumes, to help add to the merriment of the event.

To allow for proper social distancing, Blank Park Zoo is implementing timed tickets for admission to the event and operating at or below 50% of our capacity at all times during the event. Masks are required for guests when they are unable to social distance themselves, and all indoor spaces will be closed. Socially distanced activities in the Fun Zone will be held inside the new Holmes Foster Events Center.

Volunteer Positions:
Fun Zone Attendants: Will be responsible for sanitizing games between groups.
– Coned Light System (2 volunteers)
– Soccer Darts (2 volunteers)
– Limbo (2 volunteers)
– Miniature Golf (2 volunteers)
– Ring Toss (1 volunteer)
– Whack A Wall (2 volunteers)
– Roller Bowler (1 volunteer)
– 1 or 2 attendants to wipe down tables and chairs between groups and pick up trash

Train Attendants: 2 volunteers to help with line, greet guests, wipe down seats

Carousel: 1 volunteer to help with cleaning in between rides

Wizard of Oz Characters & Pirates: 2 volunteers, who must supply and dress in their own personal costume

VIP Glasses Station: 2 volunteer to sell 3D light glasses (volunteers will likely be at stroller hut with a heater and cash box to be able to sell glasses for a $1 that distort the lights in cool ways. We can also have the dip jar there for card transactions.)

Kids Kingdom Attendant – Be in the area to make sure guest behave around the animals and do not try to play on the playground.

More Information/Sign Up