CCC Dodgeball Tournament
- What
- Refereeing dodgeball games. Simple rules, mostly keeping time and helping solve disagreements.
- When
- 8:45 am to 12:00 pm, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
- Where
- Johnston High School, 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA 50131
- Who
- Children's Cancer Connection
- Contact
- Christina McCleary
- Phone
- (515) 243-6239
CCC has their annual Dodgeball Tournament on March 25th. Teams from around the state will compete in fun dodgeball games starting with pool play in the morning followed by a single elimination bracket. Volunteers are needed to help referee games. Volunteers will be provided with a whistle and timer and most of their job will consist of keeping time and helping call people out. Volunteers should outgoing and okay with speaking up.
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