Eason Winter Carnival
- What
- Assist with check-in, games, photo booth, etc.
- When
- 2:45-5:00pm
- Where
- Timberline School (2605 SE LA Grant Pkwy, Waukee, IA 50263)
- Who
- Eason Elementary PTO
- Contact
- Lindsay Brudtkuhl
- lindsaydaniel1@gmail.com
Looking for a fun way to earn some Silver Cord hours?! Come volunteer at the super fun Eason Winter Carnival!! It will take place Saturday, January 25th at Timberline School (this is a location change from last year). Volunteer hours are 2:45 pm – 5:00 pm.
We’ve added some new fun additions to the carnival this year: bingo, a magician and the always fun carnival games!! We couldn’t run this wonderful event without your help and look forward to seeing you! Sign up below! Please email lindsaydaniel1@gmail.com with any questions!
More Information/Sign Up