Love Horses AND helping people? Come volunteer your time at Rhythms of Grace Riding Center and earn Silvercord hours!


Love Horses AND helping people? Come volunteer your time at Rhythms of Grace and earn Silvercord hours!

Rhythms of Grace is a nonprofit therapeutic riding center in Dallas Center offering hope + healing to children and adults with special needs and abilities (by partnering with horses). As more and more families recognize the benefits of equine-assisted services, the demand for our services has grown dramatically and we have a wait list … dependent on the number of volunteers and Horses. We need more volunteers ASAP for our session starting next week on Feb 28.

We have a scheduled volunteer orientation/training on Saturday March 4th from 9am-12pm at the barn. However, with the urgent need for volunteers next week, we are adding an additional training this weekend…Sunday Feb 26 from 2pm-5pm. This training is a requirement to become a volunteer. Email Kati at if you are able to attend one of our upcoming trainings and we will send you further details.

On February 28 we start our next 8-week session serving 30+ clients weekly. We have several new participants ranging in age from 3 to 18 years. Most of our classes require volunteers to lead the horse or walk beside a rider. Each class is one-hour long; however, there is horse grooming and tacking and untacking required after the class…that the volunteer horse leader is needed for so the commitment for leaders each lesson could be as much as two hours. We have a brief volunteer meeting before and after each class… and only 30 minutes between classes, in order to serve as many as possible each day.

We have 40 volunteer openings each week just for the classes! Are you interested in helping OR do you know someone who might benefit from volunteering? Please pass along our website with the application/background check links in it. Please note: Volunteers must be at least 16 years old.

Thank you for your willingness to serve alongside us and change lives. Below you’ll find some media to learn more about us.

Reach out to Kati Dray with any questions:

Kati Dray
Volunteer Coordinator

More Information/Sign Up